Indiana Medicaid Update Alert

If you're over 60, action may be required for your medical supplies. Confirm your orders with Binson's to stay on track with the new Pathways program.

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Celebrating CRT Awareness Week: Understanding & Advocating for Complex Rehab Technology Celebrating CRT Awareness Week: Understanding & Advocating for Complex Rehab Technology (CRT)

Power Mobility Wheelchair

Celebrating CRT Awareness Week: Understanding & Advocating for Complex Rehab Technology (CRT)

Posted On: August 14, 2023

  This week, we recognize CRT Awareness Week and its significance in spreading knowledge and understanding of Complex Rehab Technology (CRT). At Binson's, we believe our customers should be well-informed about the role of CRT and its life-enhancing...
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Complex Rehab Technology (CRT), CRT Awareness Week, CRT Technicians

Need a Wheelchair? Follow These Easy Steps [Guide] Need a Wheelchair? Follow These Easy Steps [Guide]


Need a Wheelchair? Follow These Easy Steps [Guide]

Posted On: May 28, 2021

So you or a family member needs a wheelchair, what next? Do you need a prescription for a wheelchair? Can you rent a wheelchair? Durable medical equipment (DME) is not commonly thought about until you need something for yourself or a loved one. Chances...
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Durable Medical Equipment, Manual Wheelchair, Medicare, Men's Health, Wheelchair, Wheelchair Rental, Women's Health

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